Wild Acres Week, what’s it all about?
Biodiversity in Action : Deepening our connection with nature

Wild Acres Week is a series of online and in-person events, where together we can learn more about the intrinsic value of nature, and our place within this wonderfully complex web of life.
Various specialists – scientists, artists, environmentalists, and other concerned citizens – have been asked to share their insights and stories. To discuss their knowledge of biodiversity and their understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural world.
Wild Acres Week 2022 is presented by Green Sod Ireland
This is an exciting line up of online and in-person events.
All events FREE. All ages welcome!

Deepening our Connection with Nature

Nature for its own sake

sustainable flower farmer Anna Browne
Biodiversity in Action

We are delighted to have some of our Biodiversity Ambassadors included in the Wild Acres Week programme of event. Launched in 2021 the Biodiversity Ambassador Programme is a community action focused initiative, developed in association with Green Sod Ireland. Thank you for all the amazing work you are all doing! x
This community focused initiative is kindly supported by Rethink Ireland. Event programme designed by Ashleigh Downey, (Green Sod Ireland’s Environmental Arts Coordinator, Biodiversity Ambassador Programme Coordinator, and Founder of Greenhouse Culture)
“It is within nature that we find true beauty”
– Ashliegh Downey