METAMORPHOSIS : Research Phase #2
– an OVAL OR ROUND OBJECT laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo.
– the FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE CELL in animals and plants; an ovum.
(Oxford Languages)

The feeling I get : Inside a cocoon
Ashleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape IIAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape IIIAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape IVAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape VAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape VIAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape VIIAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape VIIIAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape IXAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape XAshleigh Downey
Cracked Landscape I
This section is part of Research Phase #2, which includes four key areas of exploration: seed, egg, meander and feminine energy.
A collaboration between Eleanor Dawson, Ashleigh Downey, Sylvia Hill, & Justyna Kosmulska.
Two musicians, a visual artist, and an ecological artist with a socially engaged practice.
Metamorphosis (…pathless land…)